About Me

I am a 23-year old artist and future art teacher, exploring the endless possibilities of art-making and art education.

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Featured Work

Here’s some of my favorite most recent work that I have done. Visit mycontact pageto contact me about my artwork, collaborations, commissions, or other business opportunities. Visit myPortfolioorInstagramfor more art!

Perception Zine

Submit your visual or written art to perceptionzine@hotmail.com and let it be seen!

This zine, titled “Perception,” is something that my dad, my sister, and I all work on. The goal of the zine is to spread art, so anyone is welcome to submit.

The zine is distributed in Tallahassee, FL, as well as to those who submit. Artists in the zine have come from all over the world.

Learn more or check out our previous issues!



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